
Please Call 1-888-932-1015 to get catalogues to you address.

Contact E-Mail : [email protected]

This website  is not the official site.
Sears official site is www[dot]sears[dot]ca

18 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Sheila Matias-Rigo says:

    I would like to have an actual catalogue to give a friend who cannot get around well and does not use computers. He would like to order by mail.

  2. Jane Curtis says:

    Just wondered do the catelogues not get delivered to customers anymore. I haven’t received any for awhile?
    Jane Curtis

  3. i would like to have the catalogue because i don’ t always have computer asset. that way i can do all my christmas shopping,
    i would like the wish book and the toys workshop book

  4. The Sears Book – WishBook that use to be deliver out year after year will not to deliver out any longer in Texas(Houston). My kids use to enjoy circle the things that they WISH for hoping Santa will bring. Now it’s my Grandkids time. Past down the Tradition. See the joy of a WISH. .Hoping we can continue receiving the catalog here in Hou.Tx.
    The WishBook & Toys. Tks U.

  5. would you please email me the name and phone number of the department manager for catalogue appliances. My mom who is 88 has had 6 service calls for her 2year old washer and has not received any help over the phone when she calls, other than given another service call. She asked for customer service and is not put through. I had the same experience with the store until I went in and got the name and email address of the appliance department manager and I had positive results.. She needs a new washer. A service repairman advised she get the extended warranty as she would continue to have problems with this washer. She is not a well woman and is very upset about this poor service.
    Thank you. Sandy Faux

  6. patricia elefson says:

    hi about what time do you get the spring and summer cataloges in and can you mail me out all your sales catalogs to my address box 160 muskoday sask s0j3h0 thank you you can email me thanks

  7. do you get Air miles when you purchased items from a Sears catalogue for I purchased items from your catalogue and did not credited Air Miles on my purchased items which were 2 recliners and a freezer/refrigerator that were from your catalogue TKS.

  8. Please mail this catalog to my handicapped sister.. She doesn`t have internet and wants a Sears “old fashioned catalog”..Thank You, Eda

  9. Could you please send me a 2016 Christmas Wish Book. I don’t tend to get around very much and I like to shop in the Sears catalogues. you can email me when they are in and I can get my son to come and pick it up at the store. I already have an order in. maybe it will come at the same time.

  10. I am still waiting for my xmas catalogue
    I ordered twice.

    What is the problem.?
    I also asked to be put on the list to receive all catalogue.
    I used the number that was given

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